A Cook's Companion
Quesadillas Vegetarianas

Queso Fundido
Mexican Fondue
Makes 4-5 appetizer serving

Although different from the fondue enjoyed in Europe, this dish highlights the melty goodness of cheese and will make a wonderful starter for your next fiesta.

3 ounces crumbled chorizo
1 jalapeño pepper, minced
2 cups shredded Oaxacan, asadero, or Chihuahua cheese
1 tablespoon shopped fresh cilantro
Corn tortillas or tortilla chips for dipping

In a cast-iron skillet, cook the chorizo over medium-high heat until browned, about 5 minutes. Remove the chorizo with a slotted spoon, leaving the fat in the pan. Set the chorizo aside.

Add in the jalapeño and cook, stirring, for about 1 minute, then add the cheese. Reduce the heat to low and stir until all of the cheese is melted, about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and sprinkle on the chorizo and cilantro.

Serve the fundido – pan and all – with warm tortillas or tortilla chips on the side for dipping.

NOTE: If you can’t find Mexican cheeses in your area, you can substitute Monterey Jack or mozzarella cheese. Also, see the jalapeno if you want to turn down the fire.

VARIATION: To make a vegetarian version, substitute the chorizo with 2 tablespoons olive oil, some chopped mushrooms, and chopped bell peppers. Follow the rest of the directions, as above.



Browning Chorizo

Jalapeño Diced

Sauteing Jalapeño

Shredding Cheese


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