KitchenArt - The Store for Cooks
Put Your Pesto On!

Bushels of basil, freshly picked, stand ready for your inspiration every August. From marinara sauces to Caprese salads and pestos, basil is at its best!


IN THIS ISSUE, we focus on pestos - versatile sauces that are at home in so many late summer dishes. We start with a classic pesto, then mix it up with other pesto variations: Thai pesto, cilantro pesto, and a pistachio-herb pesto. Garlic, an essential component is given its due. Summer has never been more delicious!

Pesto Four Ways
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perfectThe Perfect Pesto
Pesto Ingredients
Pesto Ingredients
recipeone RECIPE: Classic Pesto
RECIPE: Classic Pesto
pestoonPut Your Pesto On...
recipetwo RECIPE: Pistachio-Herb Pesto
RECIPE: Pistachio-Herb Pesto
tipsPesto-Making Tips
Pesto-Making Tips
Pesto-Making Tips
Pesto-Making Tools
recipethree RECIPE: Thai Pesto
RECIPE: Thai Pesto
garlicCooking with Garlic
Cooking with Garlic
Cooking with Garlic
Garlic Tips
Garlic Tools
recipefourb Cilantro Pesto
Cilantro Pesto
cookbookCookbook Review

Maximize flavor and put some pesto-making on your late summer to-do list!
(c) 2012 Acorn Advisors | KitchenArt-The Store for Cooks | 1550 Win Hentschel Blvd | West Lafayette | IN | 47906